Thursday, July 02, 2009

Description of different Capture Index Field Lists

FileNet Image Services (IS)
- Menu: An index field of type "Menu", is a property that has a list of values associated with it. When a Capture Index field is of type Menu and is associated with a DocClass, the user must select a value from the list provided, in order to populate the field. From the Capture native application, the field will have a drop-down list of values that will be available for the user to select. Only one value is allowed to be selected and the user cannot enter a value that is not on the list.
[Auto-Indexing is supported, if the configured value is a member of the Menu list. If the Auto-Indexing value is not a member of the Menu list, it will be ignored by Capture and the Menu field will be left blank.]

FileNet Content Services (CS)
- Controlled Vocabulary list (CVL): A CVL is like an IS Menu. The user will be able to select from a list of values, in order to populate an index field.
[Auto-Indexing is supported, if the configured value is a member of the list. If the Auto-Indexing value is not a member of the CVL, it will be ignored by Capture and the CVL field will be left blank.]

- Existing Value List (EVL): An EVL is a list of previously entered values of that particular Index Field. EVLs differ from CVLs and Menus, because a user can enter a new value that is not a member of the list. The value must, however, meet the index field conditions (e.g. for Numeric Types, numbers must be entered).
[Auto-Indexing is supported and the value configured does not need to be a member of the EVL]

- Multiple Value Lists (MVL): An index field that is of type MVL, can have multiple lines/values associated with it. For instance, an MVL property named "address" can have the following entry:
IBM Corporation
1 New Orchard Road
Armonk, New York 10504-1722
United States

With MVLs, a CVL and an EVL can be associated with it. If associated with a CVL, only the values from the CVL can be used to populate the lines of the MVL field.
[Auto-Indexing is supported, however, only the first line will be populated. Other subsequent lines would have to be entered manually. In addition, if a CVL is associated with the MVL, the auto-index value must match one of the values of the CVL; otherwise, it will be ignored, and the MVL field will be left blank.]

FileNet P8 Content Engine (CE)
- Choice List: A Choice List is similar to an IS Menu and a CS CVL. The user will be able to select from a list of values, in order to populate an index field.
[Auto-Indexing is supported, if the configured value is a member of the list. If the Auto-Indexing value is not a member of the Choice List, it will be ignored by Capture and the field will be left blank.]

- Multi-Value field: A Multi-Value field is similar to a CS MVL. Multiple lines of data can be entered in an index field (e.g. just like an address, mentioned above). Similar to a CS MVL field, a Choice List can be associated with a Multi-Value field. In these Multi-Value configurations, the user can only enter data that is part of the Choice List.
[Auto-Indexing is supported in Capture 5.1 and 5.2, however, only the first line will be populated. Other subsequent lines would have to be entered manually. In addition, if a Choice List is associated with the Multi-Value List, the auto-index value must then match one of the values from the list; otherwise, it will be ignored, and the Multi-Value field will be left blank. In Capture 5.0, the Auto-Indexing feature is not available with Multi-Value fields]

Please Note :
Menu Validation-- The Capture client application has an option/feature to associate a CE or IS single value field, with a list. The list is created by a Capture station and is saved as part of the Settings Collection. When a Menu Validation is utilized, the user sees a similar drop-down list (like a CVL or a Choice List), however, this list is not determined by the server but by the Capture Administrator. The list is created when configuring the Index control of a Settings Collection.

Using IBM FileNet Capture 5.1, when calling the "Store" method on the Scan component, it returns a -2147417848 error code.

Scenario :
From out-of-the-box Capture 5.1, a batch was created successfully and able to scan images without any problems. However, from the custom Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 code, a batch was also created successfully but when storing the batch by calling Scan.Store(oBatch) to the Scan component, the error below would occur:

err.Description = Method 'Store' of object '_DScan' failed
err.Number = -2147417848

The error is caused by the custom code not knowing which scanner to select.
The recommendation on different methods of assigning a scanner to the Scan component are as follows:

* Configure the Scan component on the setting to contain a default scanner so when a batch is created, it defaults to an associated scanner configured with the Scan component.

* Call the "Scan.SelectScanner" and allow the user using the custom code to select a scanner.

* Prior to calling Scan.Store(oBatch), assign a scanner to the Scan component via "Scan1.Associate("")

How big (Size) a batch can be in Capture Professional?

There are limits to the batch size when using File Import in Capture Professional. These limits are not configurable.Here are the Maximum limits:
* Pages per Document - 1000
* Pages per Batch - 5000
* Limit the size of a batch to less than 50 pages of similar documents, when possible, to ensure the batch is manageable for both the operator and the system.
* If the batch is assembled as a single document, and is running into the 1000 page limit, consider breaking the batch into several documents. This both makes the batch more manageable and increases the page limit up to the batch limit of 5000.