Thursday, January 21, 2010

DLL names for various Capture repositories

Below are the repository types and their corresponding dll file names

Local Repository ....................... RILLocal.dll
Shared repository ....................... RILShared.dll
CE Repository ....................... RILCE.dll
Shared CE Repository ....................... RILSharedCE.dll
Image Services Repository ....................... RILBES34.dll
Offline IS Repository ....................... RILOfflineIS.dll
Shared CS Repository ...................... RILSharedCE.dll
Shared Offline IS Respository ...................... RILSharedOLIS.dll

Monday, January 04, 2010

Using IBM MQ from a windows form based .NET application

In order to connect to IBM MQ from a windows form .NET application install the following two softwares:
1). IBM WebSphere MQ client + Fix Pack 6.0.2
2). IBM Message Service Client for .NET (Available for download from