Thursday, May 29, 2008

FileNet Capture related terms.

age able storage
Document storage that maintains contents by “age,” the length of time a document is kept. The IS page cache is age able storage. The time a document can spend in the page cache is specified by the IS administrator.
The process of sorting, organizing, and grouping pages into folders, batches, and documents for subsequent indexing and committal. Pages can be scanned images, imported files, or inbound fax documents.Successful assembly is a prerequisite for indexing. Assembly can be done manually by anassembly operator, or automated by configuring the assembly component and the event activator component.
A unit of information that describes an object. In native Capture, object properties and object attributes are nearly synonymous. They are both used to describe a given object. For custom programmatic efforts in Capture however, there is a significant difference in how attributes or properties can be used.
automatic indexing
The automatic addition of index values to the properties of a document. When indexing is automated, bar codes can contain values for scanned documents, and external index files can contain values for imported document.
bar code
An optical code containing information encoded in widths of printed bars and spaces. The computer interprets the bars and spaces as alphanumeric or numeric data. In Capture, bar codes are used with automatic indexing to optically acquire such information as accountnumber, or date received, used for indexing.
A set of one or more documents belonging to the same document class that are scanned, indexed, and committed together. A batch can be contained in a folder. The subordination is: Repository, Folder, Batch, Document, and Page.
batch cache
Temporary working storage where Capture processes batches.
batch name
A string of characters (no spaces) identifying a batch in the Capture system.
batch totals
The total values of certain index fields in a batch. Batch totals can be calculated to check that the expected totals and actual totals match for the index fields in a batch. Batch totals are typically used for numeric or monetary fields. Expected totals are typed by the creator of the batch. Actual totals are entered by the index operator. This feature is configured by the Batch Totals definition on the IS.
A temporary storage location for documents on their way to and from permanent storage. Cache is magnetic disk space. The IS administrator allocates portions of the cache storage to different cache types (referred to as logical caches). Capture does most of its processing in batch cache. Once a document is committed it moves to page cache.
Capture Manager
An administrative application that configures and controls the collection of statistics, Capture’s connection to repositories, Capture repository session names, the registered components on the workstation. This program is used when the Capture application is started to determine the components to load and the repositories sessions to begin.
capture path map
A graphical presentation of the sequence of steps in a capture process.
capture path
An automated series of steps that is executed to move a batch through the selected Capture components.
capture path wizard
An automated process to select and connect the Capture components into a work flow. The capture path wizard creates the capture path, which is a VB script.
Writing index information to the index database during committal.
The process of moving a document from batch cache to page cache and making the document available for retrieval. Committal is the stage at which scanned pages, imported files, or faxes become documents. Committal is the last step in entering a document into the FileNet system. The index values are written to the index database and the storage media addresses to the permanent database.
A module, such as scan, index, verify, and so on, that performs a clearly defined operation leading to the completion of the overall job of document capture.
Capture application
The image, file, and inbound fax acquisition tool of the FileNet system. The Capture application is an OLE container written in C++ incorporating several OLE controls. An OLE container can be written in a variety of programming languages, including C++ and Visual Basic.
data object
Folders, batches, documents, or pages.
A collection of logically related records or files. The FileNet IS system uses two types of databases: a third-party relational database management subsystem (RDBMS) for index data and multi-keyed file (MKF) databases for document addresses and work in progress. The Capture local repository is an ODBC database.
Database Maintenance
The FileNet application used by the IS administrator to create and maintain indexes, among other server functions. Database Maintenance also provides reports on indexes, document classes, and media families.
date field
The field type that stores date information only.
Term used by the Records Manager product to describe the process of creating a new record and associating it with some type of information (e.g., electronic document, email, external document, etc.).
dialog box
A popup window containing fields that require input from the user.
disposition schedule
Controls the retention and disposal of records.
distributed processing
A coordinated configuration of the Capture system on multiple workstations, each dedicated to a targeted business purpose.
A component providing image enhancement, bar code and patch code recognition, and other features, for post-scan processing.
For IS only, the page type of a document. Values include IMAGE, FORM, TEXT, MIXED, or OTHER.
A set of image pages or other electronic files stored in a repository (library) and associated with a document ID and a set of properties. A document can be contained in a batch. The subordination is: Repository, Folder, Batch, Document, and Page.
document class
Profiles stored on IS servers that provide index fields, access rights, committal information, and optical disk families. The document class forms the foundation of the settings collection.
document ID
A unique number assigned to a document; specifically a GUID on the local repository.
document services
FileNet IS software that stores and retrieves documents on the storage library.
domain name
The second part of the NCH resource name. The domain name is the system name, which is determined by you and set up by your FileNet support representative at FileNet system configuration. The NCH resource is in the format object:domain:organization. In the example Mary1:Taos:FileNet, the domain name is Taos.
Event Activator
A component used to read properties from objects and write properties to objects. Event activator is used before assembly processing. In event activator, one or more rules can be defined for the reading and writing of properties (attributes). One common use of event activator is to read a patch code property from a page object, and insert (write) to that page a start of document property. When the assembly component is run, assembly makes that page the start of a document.
event logs
Daily logs containing error messages and entries for activities occurring in the system. Use the Task Manager to review event logs for FileNet software.
external item
An object with properties that is not itself stored in the repository or storage library, typically a physical object such as a magnetic tape or a CD.
external index file
An ASCII text file that provides the index information for an imported file. When the file is imported the values in the index file are added to the imported file’s object properties. The index file is not imported to the repository. The file being imported and the index file must have the same base name, only the extension is different, for example, img0003.tif and img0003.fna. FNA is a common index file extension.
File Import
A Capture process used to bring various types of files into the FileNet system for processing and committal. Like scan, file import is a way to initially acquire a file for processing with Capture.
File Plan
A specific organization of records based upon a hierarchy of record categories and record folders. Often specified by industry and governmental specifications and company business/functional organizational units.
In windows and dialog boxes, fields are unprotected areas where you can enter data.
filter (repository filter)
A process to selectively retrieve a limited number of batches to an operator. The Repository filter selects batches from only one repository at a time. You specify the filtering rules for selecting batches by configuring several selection criteria in the Filter Options dialog box.
A container most often used to hold one or more related batches. The subordination is: Repository, Folder, Batch, Document, and Page.

folder name

Any valid Windows folder name is allowed. Capture folder names should not exceed the following maximums:
• IS Repositories: 60 characters
• Local Repositories: 64 characters
• CS or CE Repositories: 64 characters
For any repository (library), a folder path and name cannot exceed 152 characters in all.
A group of one or more users. The system administrator creates user and group accounts. A user can belong to any number of groups. Membership in groups determines a user's access rights. For IS users, a user's access rights determine what the user can do with folders, batches and documents.
group property (attribute)
The category to which a property (attribute) belongs. Typically, the group is the name of the component that owns the property, for example, ImageVerify or Index.
Globally Unique Identifier. A GUID is a unique number used to identify classes and interface types exposed by each component.
FileNet’s IDM Image Services, a set of servers and services providing a single document image database. The database includes a single index database, a single document locator database, and a collection of document images on storage media.
image enhancement
Methods of improving image appearance after scanning. Capture image enhancement features including image deskewing, black border removal, image despeckling, line and streak removal, and image deshading. These features provide cleaner images and help reduce file sizes.
Image Verification
A process that displays captured images for evaluation. This is generally done before assembly, but may also be used to check assembled documents before they are committed. As an operator views the images they can manually reject images (such as blank pages or separator sheets) and mark unacceptableimages for later rescan.
To add values to the object properties of a document. These values are used to find and retrieve the document after it is committed. Examples of index values include: an account number, a person’s name, or a social security number. Index values are usually typed in manually by an index operator. Only a document belonging to a document class that has index fields can be indexed in Capture.
index verification
A process to double-check selected index entries before a document is committed. The fields that are used for Index Verify are set up on the IS server at the same time that indexing for the document class is set up. Normally, index verification is done any time after a document has been indexed or auto indexed, but before it has been committed.
index database
An RDBMS database (Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server) that contains document and folder information.
A step in the Capture processes.
input mask
A template that displays elements such as dates and numbers in a particular format. For example, mm/dd/yyyy is a mask that tells the system to accept input of a date in the following format: 10/31/2000. Input masks are used with indexing to control the format of index values.
An IS, IDMDS or other integrated document management system.
List View
An OLE control used to display the contents of objects in the repository.
local repository
A repository that is based upon an ODBC compliant database, which may reside on a local workstation.
locked objects
Images not yet written to storage media are “locked” in cache and cannot be deleted.
magnetic disk
Usually an internal hard disk on your server system where the IS software, cache, databases, and so on are stored.
menu field
A field containing a list of possible entries. A menu field is one of four data types that can be defined in Database Maintenance on the IS. It contains a list of valid string values for an index field and is represented in the Index component as a drop down list box.
The process of copying documents from page cache to a storage library, which is often an optical media server. Not all systems have a storage library.
Multi-Keyed File databases that include the transient data-base, the permanent database, the NCH database, and the security database.
name property (attribute)
The name of the property (attribute). An example name is Resolution or Image Height.
The network clearinghouse is an MKF database that keeps track of resources and their addresses. A resource (such as a user ID or a printer) is identified by a three-part name stored in the NCH database in the format object:domain:organization, for example, Mary1:Taos:FileNet.
The path that an operation takes in the event that the component consumes all of the incoming work and puts nothing out. This connector is only used for certain components. For example, the NIL path is used for assembly, which consumes page after page, sending nothing out until it has a complete batch.
object name
The first part of the FileNet system NCH resource name. Some objects have names predefined by the system. For example, DefaultIMS is the name used to access the index database. Your support representative configures names for your printers and tape drives. The NCH resource is in the format object: domain: organization. In the example Mary1:Taos:FileNet, the object is Mary1.
organization name
The third part of the NCH resource name (the default name is FileNET or FileNet). Xerox Corporation registers and distributes organization names. The NCH resource is in the format object:domain:organization. In the example Mary1: Taos: FileNet, the organization is FileNet.
Open Data Base Connectivity. A Microsoft standard for interfacing to a variety of database products.Capture uses the ODBC interface in two areas: as a storage model for the local repository when processing off-line and, for the metrics/statistics database.
Acronym for FileNet’s proprietary Optical Storage and Retrieval unit.
A file containing the image of a single side of a scanned paper page. In file import, a single file containing all the pages in the electronic document. In fax documents, each file typically contains a single fax page. The page object contains the properties of the file. The subordination is: Repository, Folder, Batch, Document, and Page.
page cache
Ageable storage where the IS system stores committed documents. IDM Desktop retrieves documents from page cache for viewing and processing. Page cache can act as permanent storage when you do not use optical storage media.
patch code
A simple pattern of four horizontal bars that can be applied to a page and detected by the Capture software. Patch codes can be placed on a document as a sticker, or they can be pre-printed on documents or separate sheets. Unlike bar codes, patch codes do not contain encoded information.In Capture, patch codes are most often used to trigger the separation of pages into folders, batches, and documents. For example, you might configure the Capture software to mark a page containing a PATCH1 as Start of Batch, and a page containing PATCH2 as Start of Document.
permanent database
A database that stores the media location of each document entered into the system and contains tables for media surfaces, media families, and notes.
A name for a batch processing step. A processing phase may in turn use one or more Capture components on a single workstation.
A method to selectively retrieve a limited number of batches for automated processing. Polling filters batches from multiple repositories, checks for new batches at a specified interval, and automatically starts capture paths. You specify the filtering rules for selecting batches by configuring several selection criteria in the Filter Options dialog box.
property database/repository
Storage location for document and folder properties.
A unit of information pertaining to an object. In native Capture, object properties and object attributes are nearly synonymous. They are both used to describe a given object. For custom programmatic efforts in Capture however, there is a significant difference in how attributes or properties can be used. Properties usually convey parameters that a component uses to specify how a unit of work will be processed. Most Properties can be examined and changed by pulling up the property sheet of the component. Some attributes are component processing parameters and will be loaded into the properties of a component. Other attributes are used to convey information about an object, such as “this is the start of the batch.” Attributes can also be used to dynamically attach to the object additional information derived
from the Capture process, for example, bar code or patch code information.
Relational DataBase Management System. The RDBMS manages the index database and queue database.
Records Manager (RM)
The P8 Records Manager add-on product.
Record Activator
A step in the Capture process.
record category
A container within a file plan that can contain records, sub-record categories or child record folders. A record category cannot contain both a sub category and a sub folder.
record class
The classification of a Records Manager record object. Analogous to a document class for document objects. Examples include “Electronic Record” and “Marker Record”.
record classification
The full path of a record’s storage location within the Records Manager organization hierarchy. It can include file plan, record category and record folder where applicable. A record can exists in more than one record classification.
record folder
A container within a file plan that can contain records. A record folder cannot contain either a sub record category nor a sub record folder.
record profile
Defines the complete set of characteristics needed to declare a specific record. These characteristics include record class, (optional) record type and record classification(s).
record type
Assigning a record type to a record assigns a disposition schedule to the record. This overrides any disposition schedule that the record inherited from its containing parent.
A permanent storage location. The subordination shown in the Tree View is: Repository, Folder, Batch, Document, and Page.
repository filter
A process to selectively retrieve a limited number of batches to an operator. The Repository filter selects batches from only one repository at a time. You specify the filtering rules for selecting batches by configuring several selection criteria in the Filter Options dialog box.
repository object
Any item contained within a repository used by Capture. For example, folder, batch, document, page, template, capture path, or settings. Repository object is often more informally called an object.
repository session
An alias for a repository name. Using a repository session name that is different from the repository name gives greater flexibility in organizing the Capture system. The repository session name is often used to identify the location of the BES, for example, Los_Angeles. Use Capture Manager to add, change, and remove session names.
routing agent
A program which accepts a capture path and executes it. The routing agent, an OLE control, provides the functionality of accessing repository objects and feeding the objects to the program, and updating the contents of repository objects upon completion of the components processes. The program is a Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) engine.
Remote procedure call, a process on one computer to make a request for service on another computer.
RPC is the standard throughout the FileNet software for interstation communication.
sample document
One or more files stored under a settings collection in the Config folder that is used as a basis for determining the settings for individual components. For example, identifying a bar code or a patch code.
save continue
This function is used when the component is required to continue processing after completion of a batch. Normally, the component stops after completion of a batch. For example, a capture path including scanning and save continue would never terminate. Batches are continuously passed back to the repository so other workstations can retrieve work. Save continue is typically used when processing a seed batch that creates new batches. The save continue function makes the new batches available for other workstations while you continue to work on the seed batch. Save continue is used in the capture path wizard.
save stop
This function is used when a capture path is not completed on a single workstation. Save stop is used to move the batch back to the repository so other workstations can retrieve the work. Save stop is used in the capture path wizard.
settings collection
A group of Capture component configurations tied together by a document class. Different settings collections with different component settings can be created.
settings wizard
An automated process that steps the user through creating or editing a group of settings called a settings collection.
Adjustments to a Capture component, for example, scan resolution, and image enhancement value.
storage library
The location where documents are permanently stored. The storage library is often a storage media jukebox, a unit that has a number of slots for containing storage media and a robotic arm that moves the media between slots, drives, and the input/output slot. Not all systems have a storage library.
storage library server
In a system with two IS servers, the server that manages the storage libraries and includes cache storage as well as the related databases. A storage library server is sometimes referred to as an OSAR server. A system can have multiple storage library servers, each of which can manage up to eight libraries. In a system with multiple storage library servers, one serves as the document locator server that keeps track of the contents of all storage libraries.
An object that associates one or more settings collections and a capture path to be used for processing a given type of document. Note that the provision of multiple settings collections allows for the use of multiple document classes with a template.
Workspace View
An OLE component server that displays selected objects contained within the repositor


Anonymous said...

this is great information. Thanks.

Rahul said...

Thanks for this information
Can we do Customization in filenet Capture Through