Sunday, December 19, 2010

Microsoft Dynamic Langugage Runtime (DLR)

The Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR) is a set of libraries built on the CLR to support dynamic language implementations on .NET. A key value proposition of the .NET CLR is supporting multiple languages and allowing them to inter operate with each other. Dynamic languages have become very popular in the last several years. Customers want to use their favorite dynamic language and have great .NET interoperability for building applications and providing scripting for applications. The DLR makes it very easy to develop dynamic languages on .NET.
The DLR provides three key components:
  1.  language implementation services with language interoperability model
  2.  dynamic language runtime services with fast dynamic dispatch and library support
  3.  common hosting APIs across languages
The key goals of the DLR are making it easy to
  1.  port dynamic languages to .NET
  2.  add dynamic features to your existing language
  3.  author libraries whose objects support dynamic operations
  4.  employ dynamic languages in your applications and frameworks.
DLR hosting APIs
The DLR Hosting API is a programming interface that allows one language’s code to execute in another
language. It helps in using a Dynamic Language’s Code in a Static Language.

Dynamic Languages - Outside .net family of languages. For example: Ruby or Python
Static Languages - .NET languages like, etc.
For more information please visit

Monday, November 08, 2010

K2 BlackPoint

K2 BlackPoint is used to create new workflow using Microsoft Sharepoint and Microsoft Infopath.

It has two designers a). K2 Studio and b). K2 Web Designer

a). Visual tools to create worflow.
b). No coding required.
c). Tools that can be used by non developer.

For more information visit

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Generate barcodes using barcode4j

Barcode4J is a barcodes generator written in Java. It's free, available under the Apache License, version 2.0.It supports generating 1D and 2D barcodes of various types.

a) Implementations

* 1D barcode implementations
          o Interleaved 2 of 5
          o Code 39
          o Code 128
          o Codabar
          o POSTNET
& more
 * 2D barcode implementations :
          o PDF 417 (ISO/IEC 15438:2001(E))
          o DataMatrix (ISO/IEC 16022:2000(E))

b) Support for multiple formats:
It supports various file formats viz. SVG, EPS (Encapsulated PostScript), Bitmap images (such as PNG or JPEG),  Java2D (AWT), Text (for testing and debugging only).

c)Barcode Servlet with support for SVG, EPS and bitmap output

d) Command-line interface
barcode4j has command line support so you can generate barcode by executing a command on command line.

e) Plug-ins/extensions for third-party products:
          o Apache Xalan: SVG-generating XSLT extension
          o SAXON XSLT Processor : SVG-generating XSLT extension
          o Apache FOP: support as fo:instream-foreign-object

For more information go to

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

IBM Classification Module and Content Extractor

IBM® Classification Module
IBM® Classification Module helps organize unstructured content by analyzing the full text of documents and e-mails and applying rules that automate classification decisions.
IBM Classification Module reduces the burden of manual decision making that is done by employees by accurately and automatically organizing information.
It is embedded with natural language processing and semantic analysis capabilities,
An application that is used to create and analyze knowledge bases and decision plans. With Classification Workbench, you can also evaluate system performance by importing analysis data and viewing reports and graphical diagnostics.
A single file encapsulating data that is required by the Classification Module for accurate content-based classification
A collection of rules built in Classification Workbench that determine how the Classification Module classifies content items such as documents or e-mails. Each rule consists of one trigger and one or more actions.
A Web application provided with the IBM FileNet P8 integration that is used to manage the classification processes. You can use the Classification Center to determine the content to be classified, specify classification options (such as the decision plan to use and various runtime preferences), monitor classification activity, and view the classification results
Content Extractor
A command-line tool provided with the IBM FileNet P8 integration that is used to extract the content from an IBM FileNet P8 object store. You can import the extracted content into Classification Workbench and use it to train a knowledge base or provide test data for a decision plan.

It uses a properties file where option for what to be extracted is specified and extracts the document in XML format.

IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender (WTX)

Its a dedicated data transformation engine for app integration. It’s being used in organizations around the world. A transformation engine accepts FILE docs or electronic messages as inputs, parsed them using data dictionary like definitions & transforms them into one or more o/p messages.

It can convert all most any formatted content and does this without any coding/scripting by developer. WTX is a family of products and has editions tailored to ESB, BPM and B2B products.

How does it connect to existing applications?
WTX has local file system support by default. This helps for testing transformations thoroughly before moving to the connectivity phase.

How does WTX aid application reuse?
For example Industry Standards, they get updated usually one/twice a year. As organizations are required to follow the standards so the rules are coded in to the apps. You can end up in spending so much time and money on maintenance and not on new projects. WTX protects apps from change and allow them to participate in new projects.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Making CXF Web service accept SOAP 1.2 request

By default CXF Web Service provides SOAP 1.1 end point. In order for your web service to expose SOAP 1.2 endpoint and accept SOAP 1.2 request configure the following settings in server side CXF config file of the Web Service:

Creating SOAP 1.2 end point

<jaxws:endpoint id="auth" implementor="#AuthService" address="/cxfSearch12">
         <soap:soapBinding version="1.2" mtomEnabled="true"/>jaxws:binding>
        <bean class="org.apache.cxf.feature.LoggingFeature"/>
               <bean class="org.apache.cxf.binding.soap.saaj.SAAJInInterceptor"/>  <ref bean="wss4jInConfiguration"/>

Calling SSL enabled CXF Web Service From Java Client

Calling a SSL enabled service which also expects UserToken to be passed can be very frustrating. It has been really painful for me to consume SSL enabled CXF service and I spent nearly 1 week to get it working.

Apache Tomcat 6.0.28
JDK 1.6
CXF 2.2.3
IBM Rational Developer 7.5.2
Spring Web 2.5.6

We deployed the CXF Web Service with SSL and installed the security certificate (self signed) on the client machine.

I was able to view the WSDL coming in the browser but the problem started when I tried to call Web Service from Java Client. I was getting “Message could not sent”. I set the proxy in RAD and imported the client certificate in the JVM. Configured following JVM arguments:"C:\Program Files\IBM\SDP\jdk\bin\mykeystore""password"

But this configuration did not change the error message.

My next attempt was to configure proxy arguments in addition to the above JVM arguments for my program"C:\Program Files\IBM\SDP\jdk\bin\mykeystore""password"

Now I started getting ‘SSLHandshakeException’, ‘ Couldn't find trusted certificate’ . It confirmed that the client was trying to use the certificate to reach Web Service but due to self signed certificate it was getting invalidated.

Then I found a link on internet which covered my problem scenario and suggested to accept whatever certificate your application is trying to use instead of JVM trying to validate it. I used following code to accept the certificate with out checking its validity and I was able to reach Web Service successfully.

import org.apache.cxf.configuration.jsse.TLSClientParameters;
import org.apache.cxf.endpoint.Client;
import org.apache.cxf.frontend.ClientProxy;
import org.apache.cxf.frontend.ClientProxyFactoryBean;
import org.apache.cxf.transport.http.HTTPConduit;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;

public static void main(String[] args)
ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("appcontext.xml");

InfoService client = (InfoService) context.getBean("client");
ClientProxyFactoryBean factory = new ClientProxyFactoryBean();
Client proxy = ClientProxy.getClient( client );
HTTPConduit conduit = (HTTPConduit) proxy.getConduit();
TLSClientParameters tcp = new TLSClientParameters();

//Creating Trust Manager
TrustManager[] trustAllCerts = new TrustManager[] {
      new X509TrustManager()
          public[] getAcceptedIssuers()
              return null;
          public void checkClientTrusted(
                                            [] certs, String authType)  {      }
          public void checkServerTrusted(
                                             [] certs, String authType)
     System.out.println("authType is " + authType);
     System.out.println("cert issuers");
     for (int i = 0; i < certs.length; i++) {
     System.out.println("\t" + certs[i].getIssuerX500Principal().getName());
     System.out.println("\t" + certs[i].getIssuerDN().getName());
conduit.setTlsClientParameters( tcp );


Resources used:

Read Posting from Daniel

Monday, August 02, 2010

What is JaWin and how to use it?

The Java/Win32 integration project (Jawin) is a free, open source architecture for interoperation between Java and components exposed through Microsoft's Component Object Model (COM) or through Win32 Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs).
For more information visit

How to use Jawin - A practical example

a). If you have .tlb (COM Type Library) file available for the COM object you want to use then skip Step1 and proceed to Step3.
b). If you already have .Net component ready which you want to use from Java code then proceed to Step2:
c). If you want to develop a .NET component to be used via JAWIN then proceed to Step1:

Step1: Developing a .Net component (class library)

(a). Create an interface and before its declaration put .net attribute as given below
  See the code snippet below for mor einformation:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace Org.Jawin.ManageWinProcess
       public interface IWinProcessOperations
       Boolean IsProcessActive(String sProcessName);
       Boolean KillRunningProcess(String sProcessName);

b) Now Implement the interface created above and in the implementation class before the name of class declaration, type the following attributes
[ProgId("Jawin.WinProcessOps")] // You would be using this prog id while creating an instance of this class in JAVA.

See the code snippet below for more information:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.ServiceProcess;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace Org.Jawin.ManageWinProcess

         public class Operations:IWinProcessOperations
             public Operations(){ }
             public Boolean isProcessActive(String ProcessName)
                  String machine = ".";
                  Boolean processRunning = false;
                  // Get the current processes
                   System.Diagnostics.Process[] runningProcesses = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcesses(machine);
                 // Find those that match the specified regular expression
                  Regex processFilter = new Regex(ProcessName, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                  foreach (System.Diagnostics.Process current in runningProcesses)
                    // Check for a match.
                     if (processFilter.IsMatch(current.ProcessName))
                           processRunning = true;

               return processRunning;

public Boolean KillRunningProcess(String ProcessName)
String machine = ".";
Boolean processKilled = false;
// Get the current processes
System.Diagnostics.Process[] runningProcesses = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcesses(machine);
// Find those that match the specified regular expression
Regex processFilter = new Regex(ProcessName, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

foreach (System.Diagnostics.Process current in runningProcesses)
  // Check for a match.
  if (processFilter.IsMatch(current.ProcessName))
   processKilled = true;
return processKilled;

public bool KillAndStartProcess(String ProcessName)
String machine = ".";
Boolean processKilled = false;
// Get the current processes
System.Diagnostics.Process[] runningProcesses = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcesses(machine);
// Find those that match the specified regular expression
Regex processFilter = new Regex(ProcessName, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
foreach (System.Diagnostics.Process current in runningProcesses)
  // Check for a match.
  if (processFilter.IsMatch(current.ProcessName))
 return true;

Building .NET Library
In order to build the .Net Library code you have just written from the Visual Studio IDE, configure the settings as shown below:

Important: If this setting is not configured, build would generate a DLL but the TLB file generated using regasm on .net command prompt would create .tlb file which would not expose any method in JaWin browser. So this setting is crucial.

Step 2: Creating .tlb file for the .net component

You can create a tlb file for the .net component using Assembly Registration Tool in the Visual Studio command prompt.
Syntax : Regasm /tlb “dll path with dll name”

e.g : regasm /tlb “c:\winprocess.dll” (suppose name of our dll is winprocess.dll and it is available at c:\)

The above command would generate the corresponding .tlb file.

Step 3: How to use JAWIN BROWSER and create JAWIN stub for Java for COM

Download JaWin and extract its files in a directory. Suppose JaWin is available in c:\JaWin folder. Open command prompt and reach the ‘typeBrowser’ folder in Jawin directory.


And then type
java -Xmx256M -jar jawinBrowser.jar

and hit Enter. [Note: Xmx256M in the above command allocates 256 MB RAM to this process]. It would then start the Applet as shown below:

 Go to option ‘Project’ -> ‘New Project’ and type project name and then click on ‘New’ button as shown below:

Reach to your TLB file and when you are done, the contents of your tlb would be displayed as shown below:

Expand your interface (IwinProcessOperations in this case) and then select ‘Code Generation’->’Generate Selected Code’ and it would show the corresponding JAVA code under ‘Code’ tab as shown below:

Save this code as a JAVA class. Now you can import this class and use its methods in your code.
Note: Don’t try to modify this class file.

HOW to use JAWIN stub in java application

a). Include jaWin.jar in your build path and

b). Point to the path of jaWin.dll in run configuration by adding the following string under VM arguments(if running the code in eclipse or RAD)

c). If you have .NET dll, put it in your project folder and register it using regasm command. If you are using pure COM dll then use regsvr32 command to register the COM component.

d). If you are using .net dll which was exposed as a COM then you would need to copy the .net dll in JDK\bin directory otherwise your program would not be able to find the object. This step is nor required if you are using pure COM. For more information visit

c). Import/add the Java class (JaWin stub) file created above in your application and then use it. The below snippets shows how to use this stub.

public static void main(String[] args)

boolean bResult;
IWinProcessOperations ops=null; //Jawin stub for the COM component
   //I have used Jawin.WinProcessOps because this was mentioned as a Prog id in the //class in .net.
   // You should use the prog id of your COM accordingly.
   ops = new IWinProcessOperations("Jawin.WinProcessOps");

  catch (COMException e1)
  System.out.println("Process is active " + bResult);
  catch (COMException e)

Monday, July 26, 2010

Various measurement factors to be considered for developing Enterprise Applications


Response time is the amount of time it takes for the system to process a request from the outside. This may be a UI action, such as pressing a button, or a server API call.


Responsiveness is about how quickly the system acknowledges a request as opposed to processing it. This is important in many systems because users may become frustrated if a system has low responsiveness, even if its response time is good. If your system waits during the whole request, then your responsiveness and response time are the same. However, if you indicate that you've received the request before you complete, then your responsiveness is better. Providing a progress bar during a file copy improves the responsiveness of your user interface, even though it doesn't improve response time


Latency is the minimum time required to get any form of response, even if the work to be done is nonexistent. It's usually the big issue in remote systems. If I ask a program to do nothing, but to tell me when it's done doing nothing, then I should get an almost instantaneous response if the program runs on my laptop. However, if the program runs on a remote computer, I may get a few seconds just because of the time taken for the request and response to make their way across the wire. As an application developer, I can usually do nothing to improve latency. Latency is also the reason why you should minimize remote calls.


Throughput is how much stuff you can do in a given amount of time. If you're timing the copying of a file, throughput might be measured in bytes per second. For enterprise applications a typical measure is transactions per second (tps), but the problem is that this depends on the complexity of your transaction. For your particular system you should pick a common set of transactions.


Performance is either throughput or response time—whichever matters more to you. It can sometimes be difficult to talk about performance when a technique improves throughput but decreases response time, so it's best to use the more precise term. From a user's perspective responsiveness may be more important than response time, so improving responsiveness at a cost of response time or throughput will increase performance.


Load is a statement of how much stress a system is under, which might be measured in how many users are currently connected to it. The load is usually a context for some other measurement, such as a response time. Thus, you may say that the response time for some request is 0.5 seconds with 10 users and 2 seconds with 20 users.

Load sensitivity

Load sensitivity is an expression of how the response time varies with the load. Let's say that system A has a response time of 0.5 seconds for 10 through 20 users and system B has a response time of 0.2 seconds for 10 users that rises to 2 seconds for 20 users. In this case system A has lower load sensitivity than system B. We might also use the term degradation to say that system B degrades more than system A.

Efficiency is performance divided by resources. A system that gets 30 tps on two CPUs is more efficient than a system that gets 40 tps on four identical CPUs.


The capacity of a system is an indication of maximum effective throughput or load. This might be an absolute maximum or a point at which the performance dips below an acceptable threshold.


Scalability is a measure of how adding resources (usually hardware) affects performance. A scalable system is one that allows you to add hardware and get a commensurate performance improvement; such as doubling how many servers you have to double your throughput. Vertical scalability, or scaling up, means adding more power to a single server, such as more memory. Horizontal scalability, or scaling out, means adding more servers.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Enterprise Content Management Solution (ECM) Providers

At present there are various vendors who provide Content Management solutions to their clients.

Here is a list :

IBM Content Management

Vignette (Open Text)





Microsoft Share Point

Alfresco Content Management

There are many more which can be added into list but these are the ones which I have heard about the most.

Monday, April 19, 2010

WPF 4 - New/Enhanced features

WPF Tracing Support


Custom Dictionaries APIs
WPF Text Team Blog post on Custom Dictionaries in WPF 4

Pixel Shader 3 Support
Create Custom Pixel Shader Effects for

Removal of legacy Bitmap Effects
The old legacy bitmap effects (bevel, drop shadow, blur etc.) are still present, but there's zero implementation. The effects that have shader versions (blur, drop shadow) get forwarded to the shader implementation. The other effects (bevel, for example) simply do nothing. Your code will compile, but the effects themselves are no-ops. In .NET 3.5sp1, they were marked as deprecated, so this is not surprising.
Bitmap effects are software-only, and couldn't be hardware accelerated. One of the biggest performance issues with old WPF applications was use/overuse of bitmap effects. Pixel shader-based effects are much more performant. I'm glad to see we aren't afraid to cull when we come up with something better.
The replacement effects are just as easy to use as the old effects, and will even render on the design surface.

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

FileNet Image Manager Active Edition

It’s a solution that combines IBM FileNet Image Services, which is being used by thousands of organizations to transform their document image management, and IBM FileNet Content Manager. This combination provides you with the option to extend the management of massive volumes of document images with business process management (IBM
FileNet BPM), eForms management (IBM FileNet Forms Manager), email management (IBM FileNet Email Manager) and more.

Image Manager Active Edition allows you to link content with business processes, activating that content so that it drives workflows within your organization. This level of integration activates your business, enabling you to work with content that makes a positive impact within seconds of a document image reaching your
system, rather than the weeks it can take with paper or other software solutions.

For more info visit

Microsoft Windows Presentation Framework (WPF)

The Windows Presentation Foundation, WPF, provides a unified framework for building applications and high-fidelity experiences in Windows Vista that blend application UI, documents, and media content. WPF offers developers 2D and 3D graphics support, hardware-accelerated effects, scalability to different form factors, interactive data visualization, and superior content readability.

Nice book on Microsoft WPF
Windows Presentation Foundation Unleashed (WPF)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Microsoft Share Point

Share point is one of the Microsoft Web Server products. It is a web-based collaboration, document management, and process management product that allow us to build an enterprise portal. It aims at following:

a). To improve team productivity by allowing staff to collaborate efficiently.

b). To provide the staff with the information they need.

c). To provides us with the framework to create websites that not only provide access to documents and shared workspaces but also allow other web-based applications such as wikis and blogs to be created.

d). It also allows elaborate workflows to be created, allowing business processes to be monitored and actioned.

Share point refers to two products:

a). Windows SharePoint Services (WSS)

It is a free add-on for Windows server which provide following features:

  1. Wiki
  2. Workflows
  3. Blog
  4. Document management with version control
  5. Team sites
  6. RSS support etc.

b). Microsoft SharePoint Server

It is a product purchased separately from WSS and adds following features to the basic features discussed above:

  1. Improved Document Management
  2. Project Management
  3. Enterprise Search

Share point is suited for medium-sized companies or large enterprises.

Lock, Save and Unlock Methods in Capture professional

The Lock, Unlock, and Save methods of a RepObject are used to make changes to the RepObject.To change a RepObject you must lock it, make the change, save it, and then unlock it. If you try to lock a RepObject already locked by another user, you will receive an error. The following code renames a RepObject:

Dim oBatch as RepObject
If oBatch.Lock then
oBatch.Name = “newname”

The Lock, Save and Unlock methods each return a boolean value indicating success or failure. Locking a RepObject locks all the children of that RepObject. Saving a RepObject saves all of the children of that RepObject. Each call to the Lock method must eventually be matched with a call to the Unlock method by the same user before a RepObject is fully unlocked. The RepObject manages an internal lock count that is incremented by the Lock method and decremented by the Unlock method. The RepObject is deemed no longer locked when this lock count reaches zero. For example, if an application calls the Lock method twice on a given RepObject, it must eventually call Unlock twice on the same RepObject

Thursday, January 21, 2010

DLL names for various Capture repositories

Below are the repository types and their corresponding dll file names

Local Repository ....................... RILLocal.dll
Shared repository ....................... RILShared.dll
CE Repository ....................... RILCE.dll
Shared CE Repository ....................... RILSharedCE.dll
Image Services Repository ....................... RILBES34.dll
Offline IS Repository ....................... RILOfflineIS.dll
Shared CS Repository ...................... RILSharedCE.dll
Shared Offline IS Respository ...................... RILSharedOLIS.dll

Monday, January 04, 2010

Using IBM MQ from a windows form based .NET application

In order to connect to IBM MQ from a windows form .NET application install the following two softwares:
1). IBM WebSphere MQ client + Fix Pack 6.0.2
2). IBM Message Service Client for .NET (Available for download from