Monday, January 04, 2010

Using IBM MQ from a windows form based .NET application

In order to connect to IBM MQ from a windows form .NET application install the following two softwares:
1). IBM WebSphere MQ client + Fix Pack 6.0.2
2). IBM Message Service Client for .NET (Available for download from


Samind said...

Manjeet, I need some material on How FileNet And VB6 can interact, what is API? and from where I can get the material.


Manjeet Singh Wadhwa said...

Please visit and you would find more information on how to interact with MQ from .NET.

Extract Web Page Data said...

Hello all,

IBM MQ is a family of network software products launched by IBM in March 1992. It was previously known as MQseries, a trademark that IBM rebranded in 2002 to join the suite of web-sphere products. It allows independent and potentially non-concurrent applications on a distributed system to communicate with each other. Thanks a lot!